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We Couture亮相上海时装周 发布2015春夏高定系列婚纱

2014-10-21 15:47:13 来源:中国时尚网|0

  昨日晚,We Couture在上海时装周国际品牌发布Shanghai International Fashion Showcase(以下简称SIFS)活动中发布了主题为“Fall of spring”的2015春夏高定系列产品。据悉,上海时装周于上海展览中心隆重举行,从10月15日至22日结束。

We Couture婚纱亮相上海时装周 We Couture婚纱款式高清大图


  We Couture在上海时装周发布2015春夏高定系列,轻盈透薄的面料上缀以柔美的彩色珠片与彩色羽毛,带来如印象派画作般缤纷盛开的浪漫田野景象,繁复的手工令人称道。

We Couture婚纱亮相上海时装周 We Couture婚纱款式高清大图


  由设计师、在2008年创立,2013年We Couture推出高定系列。本系列的发布主题为“”,灵感来源于Lonely Driffer Karen的同名专辑音乐,整个系列有一种无意表达出的距离美,鲜明与不确定的矛盾重组感。

We Couture婚纱亮相上海时装周 We Couture婚纱款式高清大图

  We Couture


  Beauty is a kind of belief.


  You are beautiful. I long for beauty. You and me , we are gorgeous.

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  斗转星移也好,世事变迁也罢,美好,始终是一种向心力,亦是一种永恒的信仰。这就是We Couture最初的故事。

  When the world keeps changing, beauty is still there as an eternal belief. This is what contributed to We Couture in the first place.

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  Graduated from Fashion Design Major of Donghua University in Shanghai, Demi Jiang was about to embrace her marriage in the year of 2008. To fulfill her dreaming big day, Demi hunted all over the city to find the perfect wedding dress but not work. Then Demi decided to design her own one-of-a-kind wedding dress which would carry her hope and happiness. This touched Derek Wong, Demi’s college classmate, soon they started action with their dream to create beautiful things for this world as designers.

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  2008年,在上海一家废弃工厂旧仓库改建的艺术LOFT里,蒋佳与王德泉,创立了被寄予了他们爱与希望的梦想品牌——We Couture。

  In 2008, Demi and Derek created the brand We Couture that is placed love and hope in an LOFT – a reconstructed old warehouse.

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  品牌创立至今5个年头,在两位设计师不懈努力和坚持下,2013年,We Couturet推出高定系列。该系列选材均由国外一线品牌供应商提供,卓尔不群,唯美极致。

  Since the establishment, We Couture has already traveled through 5 years. This year 2013, Demi and Derek will launch a new product series – the Haute Couture Collection. All materials in this collection will be selectively provided by top tier suppliers overseas, and is deemed to bring this exquisite brand up to the next level.

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  We Couture礼服创作灵感大部分来源于上个世纪20--60年代的好莱坞电影。设计者着迷于当时女性对于自由,美丽的执着,和不羁的生活态度,所以在设计作品中,很容易被发现优雅,独立,性感的元素。We Couture对于细节的处理也非常坚持,设计师在创作前期,常常会故意藏一些小惊喜在图稿之中,同时,对于服装的版型处理,边缘,褶裥处理等都可以发现其对细节的固执。

  The designers pay much attention to detail when designing, that can be found through the pattern, edge, goffering and so on. Meantime, they also try to imbue garment with ethereal and elegant element that was inspired by female image in the movie during the 20’s - 60’s of last century since they appreciate the attitude of women in that era to pursue beauty which is self-contained and precise.

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  合作过的时尚杂志:《VOGUE》,《Elle》,《CosmoBride》,《Oggi》,《Marie Claire》,《Bazaar》等

  The elegant design style is favored by many female stars and magazine editors, celebrities collaborated such as Kristy Yang, Gigi Leung, Li Sun, Dan Zhu, Rong Chen, Tingting Gan, Guan Wang, Luodan Wang, Lan Qin, Xiao Chun, Yanfei Chen and so on, magazines for example 《VOGUE》,《Elle》,《CosmoBride》,《Oggi》,《Marie Claire》,《Bazaar》 etc.

We Couture婚纱亮相上海时装周 We Couture婚纱款式高清大图

  We,英语“我们”,象征着婚姻中“你和我”的结合,同样,这也代表了蒋佳与王德泉的共同梦想,是一切对于美好的向往与祝福;“Couture”,法语“高级定制”,追求设计师与顾客之间的良性沟通,从而为顾客量身定制出属于他们自己的美好。We Couture,分为婚纱系列与高级礼服定制系列。设计风格,优雅时髦简练。“我们希望每一位女性能够从我们这里找到自信”,“所有的设计都应该围绕使女人更加优雅美丽”设计师曾经这样说过.美好,真我,这就是WE的初衷,他们希望通过更多精彩的设计,使这个世界因美丽而更美好。

  We stands for “we”, representing happy combination of “you and me” in the marriage. Likewise, it symbolizes the common dream shared by Demi and Derek to create beautiful things for the world. “Couture”derives from French and it implies another meaning that is to realize optimum communication between designers and customers creatingbeauty of their own. We Couture have two collections -- wedding series and haute couture dress. It keeps elegant , pure and fashionable. “We hope that every lady would find confidence from us”,“All of designs should focus on making women more elegant and beautiful” designers once said. Beauty and true, this is the original intention of WE, they hope through more wonderful design to make the world more beautiful and better.

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  蒋佳(Demi Jiong)、王德泉(Derek Wong)两位年轻设计师,2003年毕业于上海东华大学服装艺术设计学院,并开始从事服装设计工作,身为同窗,2008年共同创立品牌We Couture,以婚纱、礼服定制两条生产线为主。




  合作过的时尚杂志:《VOGUE》,《Elle》,《CosmoBride》,《Marie Claire》,《Bazaar》

  品牌成立至今5个年头,并在2013年推出We Couture 高定系列。

  Designer Biography

  Graduated from School of Fashion and Art Design of Donghua University in 2003, Demi Jiong and Derek Wong started fashion design as their career. In 2008 these two classmate friends co-found brand We Couture that specialize in wedding dress and other customized dresses.

  Demi Jiong and Derek Wong won their awards as China’s Top Ten Designers by CCTV in 2010. Clean yet elegant design style is favored by female celebrities and fashion editors such as Sun Li, Qin Lan, Zhu Dan (Dani), Leung Wing Kei (Gigi), Wang Luodan (May), Gan Tingting, Chen Rong, Kristy Yeung, and Chun Xiao. We Couture has also cooperated with many top fashion magazines, including VOGUE, ELLE, Cosmo Bride, Marie Claire, and Bazaar etc.

  Since founded, We Couture has already traveled for 5 years. This year, We Couturewill launch haute couture dress collection in October.

关键词: 上海 婚纱 时装
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